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Raelynn Haughian ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Star Director


My Story

We’ll look back on this and smile because it was life and we decided to live it!
What started as a discount on products that I loved, turned into so much more than that! After seeing the Scentsy life, we wanted to be part of that family to be part of something bigger. We wanted to make the money we saw others earning, earn the free trips, earn the awards, and promote to a leadership role. When we started our Haiti adoption journey Scentsy gave us the flexibility to work our business around paperwork, meetings & trainings. It gave us the ability to instantly work harder and make those bigger pay cheques to put towards our adoption fees and costs. In 2017 I quit my job to pursue our Scentsy adventure full time. Next year when we bring our kids home Scentsy will give us the flexibility, versatility, & financial support we need to stay in Haiti for a few weeks to bond with our kids before bringing them to their new home. It’s gonna allow Lane to take the full paid parental leave while I (with our family by my side) work our Scentsy business around our new family and our new life. It’s gonna allow our family to smile because this is our life and we know that we are living it!

My Favourite Scents